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spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
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Nice smile

Danke für die Info smile

Cu Selur

26.02.2005 17:12 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 17.03.2002
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Dankääääää großes Grinsen

Cu Balm

...auch im IRC-Channel zu finden...

26.02.2005 17:30 E-Mail an Balm senden Homepage von Balm Beiträge von Balm suchen Nehmen Sie Balm in Ihre Freundesliste auf
e-divx Webmaster


Dabei seit: 22.09.2003
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na das nenne ich mal nen changelog Daumen hoch!


www.e-divx.at - Alles über Divx,XviD,Matroska,(S)VCD,DVD und vieles mehr
Matroska Guide - Encoden mit GordianKnot, VirtualDubMod im x264/Xvid Format
Flask im IRC: S: irc.chello.at / P: 6667 / C: #videozeug

26.02.2005 19:47 E-Mail an scrat senden Homepage von scrat Beiträge von scrat suchen Nehmen Sie scrat in Ihre Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von scrat: Scrat280
Der mkvtoolnix-Mann


Dabei seit: 05.04.2004
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mkvtoolnix 1.4.1 Auf diesen Beitrag antworten Zitatantwort auf diesen Beitrag erstellen Diesen Beitrag editieren/löschen Diesen Beitrag einem Moderator melden       Zum Anfang der Seite springen


time for another mkvtoolnix release: 1.4.1. This is a pure bug fix release. No new features. However, there are still a couple of known bugs left that I have to address, especially regarding file concatenation (e.g. problems with chapters & "linked" files; playback issues of concatenated files). Those will be fixed later.

Here are the usual links...
...to the home page:
...the source code:
...the Windows binaries (Unicode):
...the Windows binaries (non-Unicode):

Binaries for other systems are available from the home page.

Here's what's been done since 1.4.0:
2005-03-15 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* Released v1.4.1.

2005-03-14 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: AC3 detection was broken in rare cases.

2005-03-13 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: If the TEMP environment variable contains spaces then the calls to mkvmerge when adding files failed.

2005-03-06 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Extracting the FPS from some AVC MP4 files did not work.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Appending + splitting was segfaulting if used together and at least one split occured after a track has been appended.

2005-03-02 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: Added more descriptive error messages if two tracks cannot be concatenated because "their parameters do not match".

2005-02-28 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: A failing call to posix_fadvise will only turn its usage off for that one file and not abort mkvmerge completely.
* mmg: bug fix: When "appending" a file all tracks where added to the end of the track list making it unnecessarily difficult to concatenate similar structured files. Now the tracks from the "appended" files are inserted into the track list after their counterparts from the file this new one is appended to.

2005-02-27 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: An "appended" file could not be removed if there were two tracks that we not separated by a track from another file in the track list box.
* mmg: bug fix: The check whether or not a file might be overwritten while splitting is active has been fixed.
* mmg: bug fix: Improved the word wrapping of the tooltips on Windows.
* mmg: bug fix: It was possible to select a file for appending even though no file was added first.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge was wrongly outputting large numbers of warnings when Remuxing AVC/h.264 video from a Matroska file.
* mmg: bug fix: The job queue was not loaded on startup on Windows Unicode builds (another wxWidgets 2.5.3 problem).

2005-02-26 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: The job status in the job runner dialog was broken on Unicode builds on all systems.
* mmg: bug fix: "Splitting by time" was not selectable on Windows Unicode builds (problem with wxWidgets 2.5.3).
* mmg: bug fix: mkvmerge's output during muxing was not converted from UTF-8.
* mmg: bug fix: The default extension added when the user doesn't give one is different in wxWidgets 2.4.x and 2.5.x. It should always be .mkv and not .mka.

Have fun smile

mkvtoolnix 2.1.0 (ohne Unicode)
15.03.2005 11:19 E-Mail an mosu senden Homepage von mosu Beiträge von mosu suchen Nehmen Sie mosu in Ihre Freundesliste auf
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
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Danke für die Info großes Grinsen

Cu Selur

15.03.2005 11:38 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 17.03.2002
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Cu Balm

...auch im IRC-Channel zu finden...

15.03.2005 19:21 E-Mail an Balm senden Homepage von Balm Beiträge von Balm suchen Nehmen Sie Balm in Ihre Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 11.04.2002
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"Der größte Trick, den der Teufel je gebracht hat, war die Menschheit glauben zu lassen, es gäbe ihn gar nicht."

Roger "Verbal" Kint, Die üblichen Verdächtigen
15.03.2005 21:53 E-Mail an EthanoliX senden Beiträge von EthanoliX suchen Nehmen Sie EthanoliX in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Der mkvtoolnix-Mann


Dabei seit: 05.04.2004
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here's another bug fix release for mkvtoolnix: v1.4.2. I'm too lazy to
write something meaningful here, so please check the ChangeLog below smile

The usual links...
...to the home page:
...the source code:
...the Unicode Windows binaries:
...the non-Unicode Windows binares:

The binaries for other distributions are already up and availabel from
the home page.

Now to the ChangeLog since 1.4.1:
2005-04-16 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* Released v1.4.2.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: In rare occasions involving B frames mkvmerge freed data too early. In such a case it was eating more and more memory finally exiting with a message about not finding a packet for a "bref".

2005-04-09 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* all: bug fix: My output functions did not work on AMD64 systems. Fixes Anthill bug 120.

2005-04-07 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvextract: new feature: Added the extraction of the raw data with the "--raw" and "--fullraw" flags. Patch by Steve Lhomme (see AUTHORS).
* mkvextract: bug fix: WAVPACK extraction did not update the "number of samples" header field. Patch by Steve Lhomme (see AUTHORS).
* mkvmerge: bug fix: RealMedia files contain a "FPS" field in their track headers. Unfortunately this field does not always contain the actual FPS of a video track but the maximum number of FPS that the encoder has output or should output. Therefore mkvmerge does not use a "default duration" element for RealVideo tracks anymore. Fixes Anthill bug 113.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Failing calls to posix_fadvise upon adding a file to mmg caused mmg to think that the file identification failed. Now warnings for posix_fadvise are not output anymore, and posix_fadvise is silently switched off for that file. Fixes Anthill bug 123.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Appending files that were created with mkvmerge's "--link" option was broken. The timecodes for both the chapters and the actual media data blocks were not adjusted correctly. Fixes Anthill bugs 115 and 116.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: If chapters are present in several appended files and there were atoms who shared the same UID then those entries were present multiple times in the output files. Now such entries are merged into one chapter entry. Fixes the second part of Anthill bug 122.

2005-04-06 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: If chapters were present and splitting was enabled then mkvmerge would not treat chapters correctly that spanned across several files. Now the spanning chapters are kept in all files, and their start timecodes are adjusted accordingly. Fixes the first part of Anthill bug 122.

2005-03-28 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvinfo: bug fix: On Windows mkvinfo was linked without the console subsystem resulting in no output at all if run without the GUI (-g). Fixes Anthill Bug 118.

2005-03-23 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Due to the compiler doing some strange number conversion mkvextract seemed to hang on Windows with certain files.

2005-03-20 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Appending VobSubs with more than one track in a .idx file and video files at the same time was broken resulting in parts of some of the VobSub tracks not ending up in the resulting Matroska file. Fixes Anthill bug 114.

2005-03-19 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: The track numbers were assigned wrongly when appending tracks (this is more or less cosmetic).
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Splitting by time was broken for audio-only files. Fixes Anthill bug 112.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: The --fourcc switch was not working.

2005-03-16 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: Tracks that were not selected on saving the settings file were selected after loading a settings file.

Have a nice weekend smile


mkvtoolnix 2.1.0 (ohne Unicode)
16.04.2005 14:37 E-Mail an mosu senden Homepage von mosu Beiträge von mosu suchen Nehmen Sie mosu in Ihre Freundesliste auf
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
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"Have a nice weekend"
Dir auch und : Danke für die Info großes Grinsen

Cu Selur

16.04.2005 14:43 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
e-divx Webmaster


Dabei seit: 22.09.2003
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gleich mal runterladen.
thx für die info!


www.e-divx.at - Alles über Divx,XviD,Matroska,(S)VCD,DVD und vieles mehr
Matroska Guide - Encoden mit GordianKnot, VirtualDubMod im x264/Xvid Format
Flask im IRC: S: irc.chello.at / P: 6667 / C: #videozeug

16.04.2005 17:44 E-Mail an scrat senden Homepage von scrat Beiträge von scrat suchen Nehmen Sie scrat in Ihre Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von scrat: Scrat280


Dabei seit: 11.04.2002
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Hui, danke. Gleich mal runterladen.

"Der größte Trick, den der Teufel je gebracht hat, war die Menschheit glauben zu lassen, es gäbe ihn gar nicht."

Roger "Verbal" Kint, Die üblichen Verdächtigen
17.04.2005 17:41 E-Mail an EthanoliX senden Beiträge von EthanoliX suchen Nehmen Sie EthanoliX in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Der mkvtoolnix-Mann


Dabei seit: 05.04.2004
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Hey guys,

It's been over two and a half months since the last release, and that's quite a long time. But here it is: MKVToolNix v1.5.0.

This release contains a couple of new features (splitting after arbitrary timecodes and muxing of USF subtitles) and tons of bug fixes.

The usual links to...
...the home page:
...the sources:
...the Windows Unicde binaries:
...the Windows non-Unicode binaries:

The other binaries are all available from the home page.

Here's the ChangeLog of what I've done in those past ten weeks:
2005-06-26 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: The track language read from old Matroska files was wrongfully set to "und" if it was not written although the specs say that "eng" is the default value.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: USF subtitles: If identical tags were nested (e.g. "font") and both were closed right after each other then the result looked like "</font/>".
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Native MPEG-4 was not working if read from OGM files.

2005-06-24 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: new feature: Added an input box for mkvmerge's new "split after these timecodes" feature.

2005-06-16 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fixes: Improved the native MPEG-4 generation a lot (thanks to Haali for testing and pushing me). The codec version string inside the MPEG-4 initialization data is now checked if it indicates "DivX packed bitstream" and changed to not indicate it anymore.

2005-06-07 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: If mmg was minimized when it was closed (e.g. with Windows' "Show desktop" function) then it didn't show up after a restart and could only be shown by maximizing it.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: If a OGM style chapter file contains empty chapter names ('CHAPTER01NAME=' without something after the '=') then this chapter's timecode is used as the name instead of aborting.

2005-06-05 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: new feature: Added splitting after specific timecodes.

2005-06-04 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge, mkvinfo, mkvextract: bug fix: Inifite sized segments were not handled correctly.

2005-05-23 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: On Windows mmg could be crashed by adding a file and clicking into the empty space in the "track" selection box. Fixes Anthill bug 133.

* mkvextract: new feature: Implemented the extraction of USF subtitles.
* mkvmerge: new feature: Implemented the muxing of USF subtitles.

2005-05-17 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvextract: bug fix: The MPEG packets are now padded to 2048 byte boundaries as some programs require them to be. Patch by Mike Matsnev (see AUTHORS).

2005-05-07 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvinfo: bug fix: Removed the restriction of max. ten levels of nested elements.
* mmg: bug fix: If splitting was enabled and "splitting by time" selected and the user chose "new" from the "File" menu then "splitting by time" was not selectable anymore. This happened only on Windows. Fixes Anthill bug 131.

2005-05-05 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvextract: bug fix: Use the native newline style when extracting text subtitles (\r\n on Windows and \n on all other systems).
* mkvextract: bug fix: SSA/ASS text was missing in the output if the "Format=" line contained newlines at the end of the CodecPrivate data (e.g. our old Mew Mew sample file).

2005-05-03 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for the hapterSegmentUID element.

2005-04-29 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Support WAV files that use other RIFF chunks than the usual "fmt " followed by "data".

2005-04-18 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Remuxing MPEG1/2 tracks resulted in a failing "assert(0)".

Have fun smile


mkvtoolnix 2.1.0 (ohne Unicode)
01.07.2005 12:10 E-Mail an mosu senden Homepage von mosu Beiträge von mosu suchen Nehmen Sie mosu in Ihre Freundesliste auf
e-divx Webmaster


Dabei seit: 22.09.2003
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super - ne neue version Danke !


www.e-divx.at - Alles über Divx,XviD,Matroska,(S)VCD,DVD und vieles mehr
Matroska Guide - Encoden mit GordianKnot, VirtualDubMod im x264/Xvid Format
Flask im IRC: S: irc.chello.at / P: 6667 / C: #videozeug

01.07.2005 13:14 E-Mail an scrat senden Homepage von scrat Beiträge von scrat suchen Nehmen Sie scrat in Ihre Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von scrat: Scrat280
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
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Cool smile

Danke für die Info smile

Cu Selur

01.07.2005 13:42 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Der mkvtoolnix-Mann


Dabei seit: 05.04.2004
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here's another release of mkvtoolnix, 1.5.5 this time. A couple of bug fixes, a couple of new features. Check the ChangeLog below for details.

The usual links to...
...the home page:
...the source code:
...the Windows Unicode binaries:

All other packages are available from my home page.

Have fun smile


2005-08-21 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* Released v1.5.5.
* mkvtoolnix: Disabled storing AVC/h.264 video tracks in VfW mode.

2005-08-16 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvtoolnix: bug fix: On Windows the command line output was terminated with CR CR NL instead of just CR NL.

2005-08-13 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: The Quicktime/MP4 reader wasn't skipping unknown elements correctly.

2005-08-03 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvextract: new feature: Added a new extraction mode for outputting timecodes in a timecode v2 format file. It is called "timecode_v2" and takes the same arguments as the "tracks" extraction mode.
* mkvinfo: new feature: Added a command line switch "--output-charset" which sets the charset that strings read from Matroska files are output in (e.g. if you want the output in UTF-8 and not your system's local charset).
* mkvinfo: new feature: Added a command line switch "-o" for redirecting the output to a file (for systems which re-interpret stdout).
* mkvmerge: bug fix: The combination of using external timecode files and video tracks with B frames was not working as intended. The user had to order the timecodes in the timecode file just like the frames were ordered (meaning the timecodes for a IPBBP sequence with 25 FPS had to be "0", "120", "40, "80"...). This has been fixed. They have to be ascending again and mkvmerge will assign them properly.

2005-08-02 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvextract: new feature: Added support for extracting h.264 / AVC tracks into proper h.264 ES streams supported by e.g. MP4Box. Patch by Matt Rice (see AUTHORS).

2005-07-25 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvinfo: bug fix: Files with non-ASCII chars weren't opened because conversion to UTF-8 was done before the charset routines were initialized.

2005-07-20 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed a crash if a track in a MP4/QuickTime file did not contain a STCO atom (chunk table) but a STSC atom (chunk map table).

2005-07-19 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Very large values were not kept correctly for a lot of elements (meaning they were truncated to 16 or 32 bits).
* mkvinfo: bug fix: Very large values were not displayed correctly for a lot of elements (meaning they were truncated to 16 or 32 bits prior to displaying).
* mkvmerge: bug fix: AVC/H.264 references were wrong, and muxing of AVC from Matroska files with proper references resulted in unplayable files.

2005-07-08 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed support for USF subtitles stored in UTF-16 and UTF-32. Added support for USF subtitles stored in UTF-8 without a BOM.

mkvtoolnix 2.1.0 (ohne Unicode)

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von mosu: 21.08.2005 16:10.

21.08.2005 16:08 E-Mail an mosu senden Homepage von mosu Beiträge von mosu suchen Nehmen Sie mosu in Ihre Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 17.03.2002
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Danköööö smile

Cu Balm

...auch im IRC-Channel zu finden...

21.08.2005 16:19 E-Mail an Balm senden Homepage von Balm Beiträge von Balm suchen Nehmen Sie Balm in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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Dabei seit: 22.09.2003
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super, thx für die info!!!


www.e-divx.at - Alles über Divx,XviD,Matroska,(S)VCD,DVD und vieles mehr
Matroska Guide - Encoden mit GordianKnot, VirtualDubMod im x264/Xvid Format
Flask im IRC: S: irc.chello.at / P: 6667 / C: #videozeug

22.08.2005 08:40 E-Mail an scrat senden Homepage von scrat Beiträge von scrat suchen Nehmen Sie scrat in Ihre Freundesliste auf AIM-Name von scrat: Scrat280
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Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
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Added support for extracting h.264 / AVC tracks into proper h.264 ES streams supported by e.g. MP4Box.

Nice smile

Cu Selur

22.08.2005 09:24 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Der mkvtoolnix-Mann


Dabei seit: 05.04.2004
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Heya guys,

here we go! I consider this release to be a "major bugfix" release. There were a lot of issues that I was finally able to track down or that were simply new bugs I didn't know about before. So I strongly advise to upgrade to this version.

However, AVC aspect ratio info handling has been changed (see the ChangeLog below for details), and it's quite possible that new bugs have introduced in the process.

Here are the typical links...
...to the home page:
...the source code:
...the Windows Unicode installer:

All the other packages are/will be available from the home page.

The ChangeLog since 1.5.5:
2005-09-06 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mmg: bug fix: If the user selected an aspect ratio for a video track, then chose "File -> new", added a file, selected another video track and chose the same aspect ratio as before then it wasn't added to the command line. Fixes Anthill bugs 132 and 146.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Support Qt/MP4 files with 64bit offset tables ('co64' atom instead of 'stco' atom).

2005-09-04 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: new feature: mkvmerge will remove the aspect ratio information from a AVC/h.264 video track bitstream and put it into the display dimensions (until now the AR information was kept on the bitstream level). The reason is that in Matroska the container AR is supposed to take precedence over bitstream AR, but some decoder programmers ignore the container AR in favour of bitstream AR.

2005-08-31 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvinfo: bug fix: The GUI couldn't open files with non-ASCII chars in the file name.

2005-08-30 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Display dimensions were reported for all tracks, even if they weren't present. In that case they allegedly were "0x0" which caused mmg to add "--display-dimensions ...:0x0" for each track read from a Matroska file, even if the tracks were not video tracks.

2005-08-28 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvextract: bug fix: The extracted timecodes were wrong for blocks with laced frames.

2005-08-25 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: If a Matroska file with a MPEG-4 part 2 video track was muxed into a Matroska file and the source file did not contain the display width/height elements for that track then the aspect ratio was extracted from the video data itself which clashes with the Matroska specs which say that display width/height default to the pixel width/height if they're not present.

2005-08-24 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Native MPEG-4 ASP storage was still bugged: timecodes were assigned twice, frames referenced themselves.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: -aus Sicherheitsgründen entfernt- fonts and pictures in a SSA/ASS file are not discarded any longer. They are converted to Matroska attachments instead. Other sections that were discarded are added to the CodecPrivate data as are "Comment:" lines in the "[Events]" section. Those comment lines still lose their association for which "Dialogue:" line they were meant, but that cannot be changed.

2005-08-21 Moritz Bunkus <moritz@bunkus.org>
* mkvmerge: bug fix: --delay was not working at all.
* mkvmerge: bug fix: Single digit numbers followed by 's' were not recognized as valid numbers with a unit (e.g. in '--delay 0:9s').

Have fun smile

mkvtoolnix 2.1.0 (ohne Unicode)
07.09.2005 19:12 E-Mail an mosu senden Homepage von mosu Beiträge von mosu suchen Nehmen Sie mosu in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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Cool, Danke für die Info smile

mkvmerge will remove the aspect ratio information from a AVC/h.264 video track bitstream and put it into the display dimensions (until now the AR information was kept on the bitstream level). The reason is that in Matroska the container AR is supposed to take precedence over bitstream AR, but some decoder programmers ignore the container AR in favour of bitstream AR.

Wird das AspectRatio wieder in den Stream gepackt falls man den Stream extrahiert?

Cu Selur

07.09.2005 19:17 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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