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spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
Beiträge: 10.934

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Selur
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February 21st Beta 2 Release:

Great work by Ian:

- Added options to ShowSMPTE: ShowSMPTE(offset="00:00:00:30", x=360, y=576, font="georgia", size=24, text_color=$ff0000)
- Added Optional FPS=24 parameter to Dissolve and Fade*() for processing audio only clips.
- Added FadeIn0(), FadeOut0(), FadeIO0() variants that don't add an extra frame.
- Added Fractional resampling support in ResampleAudio().
- Added HasVideo() and HasAudio() script functions.
- Added Level option to Tone().
- Added ColorBars(pixel_type="YUY2, YV12").
- Added env->ManageCache() interface in AviSynth.h.
- Added VideoFrameBuffer 16 byte guardband protection/detection in Debug mode.
- Added EBX compiler bug protection/short circuiting to Cache::GetFrame().

- Dissolve and Fade*() process audio only clips, assumes 24fps for position calcs.
- Fixed wrong chroma in DoubleWeave() of FrameBased YV12 material.
- Fixed crash from BlankClip() with an audio only clip template.
- Fixed AudioCache corruption on buffer resize.
- Fixed ResampleAudio() clicks/pops due to creeping error.
- Fixed SSE/SSE2 ConvertAudioTo16/32Bit() positive value saturation.
- Fixed ConvertToRGB() src->rowsize==8 crash.
- Fixed Memory leak, deleted VideoFrameBuffers.
- Fixed env->NewVideoFrame() returning short frame buffer.
- Fixed vi.FrameFromAudioSamples() truncation.
- Fixed ShowFiveVersions() unused corner rectangles had random contents. Now grey filled

- Histrogram: in color_mode - YUY2: Invalid values (below 16 and above 235) will be colored brown/yellow-ish. Made those values more visible.
- Evaluate: Now breaks outs and reports system exceptions instead of reporting the useless "Evaluate: Unrecognized exception!".
- BlankClip() no longer gobbles any implicit last clip as the template clip. You have to explicitly declare you want a template clip i.e. BlankClip(Last). "BlankClip()" now always returns the default blank clip.
- Avisynth.h FrameFromAudioSamples/AudioSamplesFromFrames() now test for divide by zero and return zero when encountered instead of crashing.
- SeparateFields() now throws an exception for an IsFieldBased() source.
- Weave() now throws an exception for an IsFrameBased() source.
- Cache policy CACHE_NOTHING currently no long returns all VFB's. Under review.
- Avisynth.h SetFPS() now test for zero numerator or denominator if found it sets num=0, den=1.

As usual download from Sourceforge.

siehe: http://sourceforge.net/projects/avisynth2/

CU Selur

22.02.2005 14:07 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
Beiträge: 10.934

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Selur
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AviSynth 2.5.6 beta 3 Release (May 5th):

- Added method VideoInfo.MulDivFPS(unsigned multiplier, unsigned divisor) does rational scaling with normalizing and overflow protection of FPS property.
- Added offsets, gamma and analyze option (ala ColorYUV) in RGBAdjust.
- Added Spline16Resize, Spline36Resize, GaussResize and LanczosResize(tap=xx)
- Added options to ShowFrameNumber: ShowFrameNumber(offset=10, x=360, y=576, font="georgia", size=24, text_color=$ff0000)
- Added integer offset to ShowSMPTE: ShowSMPTE(offset_f=10)

- Fixed FPS overflow with Select...(), Interleave() and variants.
- Fixed subtract mode in Overlay (chroma is correctly subtracted).
- Fixed align parameter in Subtitle.
- Revert "Evaluate: Unrecognized exception!" change for hard quit whenever there's an exception instead of showing error message (XPsp2 possible problem due to XPsp2's new msvcrt.dll).
- Windout code is working again (broking in the previous betas).
- Corrected multi-channel audio fading.

- Text overlay antialiaser tweaked, 8% faster Work in progress, more to come.
- RGB32 FlipHorizontal() code tweaked.

- Planar alignment (default 16 bytes) now based on chroma planes, luma alignment is (still) 2x chroma.
- Support for [vfr content in DSS]: DirectShowSource("F:\Guides\Hybrid\vfr_startrek.mkv", fps=119.88, convertfps=true) turns vfr into cfr stream by adding frames.

As usual download from Sourceforge.

Cu Selur

07.05.2005 09:11 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Dreamer 2002


Dabei seit: 02.05.2002
Beiträge: 3.936
Herkunft: BW

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Danke für die Info smile Muss mal wieder was gescheites testen nur im moment no time für unglücklich bzw DVD bei der ich mal wieder bock hätte was zu machen großes Grinsen

Dreamer 2002
07.05.2005 12:47 E-Mail an Dreamer 2002 senden Beiträge von Dreamer 2002 suchen Nehmen Sie Dreamer 2002 in Ihre Freundesliste auf


Dabei seit: 17.03.2002
Beiträge: 2.397
Herkunft: Sachsen

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Seit 10.07. gibts dfie 2.5.6beta 4, aber leider kein Changelog.

Cu Balm

...auch im IRC-Channel zu finden...

31.08.2005 15:40 E-Mail an Balm senden Homepage von Balm Beiträge von Balm suchen Nehmen Sie Balm in Ihre Freundesliste auf
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
Beiträge: 10.934

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Selur
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Danke für die Info smile

01.09.2005 21:33 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
Beiträge: 10.934

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Selur
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AviSynth 2.5.6 RC 1 Release (September 4th):

* RGB32 mode in TemporalSoften
* *Resize(), src_height and src_width when negative work as in crop.
* Added options to DirectShowSource (seekzero, timeout and pixel_type).
* Added AudioDubEx(), blindly accepts video and audio streams.
* Added Load_Stdcall_Plugin(), alias for LoadCPlugin() (won't disappear when avisynth_c.dll is loaded).

* Masked "Evaluate: System Exception - Access Violation" in :- FadeIO*(), RGBAdjust(), Tweak(), Lanczos*Resize() and GaussResize().
* Fixed rounding in YUY2 turnleft/right chroma.
* Fixed AVSC_USE_STDCALL declaration in avisynth_c.h (was ACSC_USE_STDCALL).
* Fixed BlankClip(clip) now competely duplicates the donor clip's VI including parity.
* Fixed AssumeTFF/BFF() to correctly update internal parity state.
* Fixed Animate audio switching.
* Fixed aligned UVpitch from width rounding.

* The avisynth_c plugin entry point is now officially "avisynth_c_plugin_init@4" (don't include @4 anywhere the compiler does it for you), this is not actually a change due to a bug in avisynth_c.h, which incidently caused it to be this already.
* Info() now autoselects a smaller font to fit info in small frames.
* Info() now distinguishes between "assumed" field parity and field parity.
* Animate now selects parity through the filter chain.

Quelle: http://sourceforge.net/projects/avisynth2/

Cu Selur

06.09.2005 09:55 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
spamming old Newbie


Dabei seit: 13.03.2002
Beiträge: 10.934

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Selur
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New build! (The off-line documentation is up to date.)

AviSynth 2.5.7 Alpha1 (March 26th):

* Added portugese translation (by RoLon), and partly french translation (by JasonFly)
* Subtitle multi line text, set LSP arg and use \n. (foxyshadis, tateu)
* xxxFPS("preset") string preset FPS values. (Tritical)
* Better avisynth_c cdecl/stdcall mismatch detection and protection (Tritical).

* Fixed ConvertAudio SSE2 to Float alignment test.
* Fixed (auto)LoadPlugin altname generation. (Tritical)
* Fixed SaveString memory block overrun.
* Fixed $Plugin!Functionname!Param$ bug. (Fizick)
* Fixed registry handle leak on $PluginDir$ lookup. (Dave Brueck)
* Fixed memory leaks avisynth_c.
* Fixed returning locked/protected VBF's to LRU. (Tritical)
* Fixed runtime mixed SEH/C++ exception handling for XPsp2. (Tritical)
* Fixed CAVIStreamSynth::Read audio buffer overrun. (Avery Lee)
* Fixed DLL handle leak in LoadPlugin. (Tritical)
* Fixed Assert("text") no longer parses % args.
* Fixed number parser returning inaccurate float conversions.
* Fixed ConvertFPS() blend mode not processing of chroma planes.
* Fixed resizer resampling pattern attempted use after deletion.
* Fixed resizer subpixel shifting functionality being a noop.
* Fixed Info() auto font selection metric.
* Fixed Conditional error checking of float RHS.
* Corrected colours in YUV ColorBars, Now match BT.801-1.
* TCPDeliver updates: Client: Fixed crash if client gets disconnected.
* TCPDeliver updates: Server: Remember to disconnect clients when shutdown.
* Fixed Turn*() YUY2 mod 2 height test.
* Fixed AVISource() corrupted error messages.
* Fixed AVISource() direct input drop frame handling.

* None.

* SetMemoryMax() minimum now 4Mb instead of 16. (Tritical)
* Remove 50 plugin auto load limit. (Tritical)
* COM QueryInterface calls now return S_OK instead of NULL.
* Bracketless call of argless function now get a cache. (Tritical)
* Over-range numbers now raise a compile time exception.
* xxxFPS(float) now uses continued fraction to generate a minimal rational pair. (Raymod2)
* ChangeFPS(linear) now raises a compile time exception if the change ratio is > 10.
* ConvertFPS() blend mode works for all pixel formats. (Tritical)
* Info() retrofit of 2.60 updates.
* TCPDeliver.dll upx'ed.
* RGB ColorBars +Q and -I bars, Hue is now correct, Luma is NOT zero to achive this.
* AVISource Audio no longer limited to 2 channels.
* SaveString memory blocks are now 32 bit aligned.
* Default planar chroma planes mod 16 aligned. See SetPlanarLegacyAlignment().

As usual download from Sourceforge.

Quelle: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=805229#post805229

Cu Selur

27.03.2006 17:04 Beiträge von Selur suchen Nehmen Sie Selur in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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