*offizielles deutsches flaskmpeg & dvdtoogm board* (http://www.flaskmpeg.info/index.php)
- *vhs/tv=>avi* (http://www.flaskmpeg.info/board.php?boardid=29)
-- Project X (ehemaliges ! ds.jar !) (http://www.flaskmpeg.info/thread.php?threadid=3497)

Geschrieben von Selur am 22.08.2003 um 16:12:

  Project X (ehemaliges ! ds.jar !)

X ist ein freies Opensource-Projekt. Es ist aus dem ehemaligen ds.jar hervor gegangen und bietet zudem noch einige Erweiterungen. X ist wie sein Vorgänger zu Bildungs- und Testzwecken bestimmt. Vom Autor ist ausschließlich der Sourcecode erhältlich, unter GNU GPL. Übersetzen/compilieren muss ihn der User bei Bedarf selbst. Dafür gibt es eine Kurzanleitung im Readme. Zum Entpacken des Archivs ist die aktuelle Version von WinRAR (Shareware) geeignet .

Quelle: dvb-fan

Gibt's hier:


(Sourcen+Anleitung zum Compilieren)

Official Project X reference

Cu Selur

Geschrieben von Balm am 22.08.2003 um 22:36:


Danke smile ) Aber was kann das Proggi?!?! verwirrt

Cu Balm

Geschrieben von Selur am 23.08.2003 um 09:42:


Alles was PVAstrumento kann und noch ein bissel mehr. Augenzwinkern

Cu Selur

Geschrieben von Balm am 23.08.2003 um 14:52:


Das klingt ja schon mal interessant smile )

Cu Balm

Geschrieben von Selur am 01.10.2003 um 20:48:


neuste Version gibt's hier:
Sourcen+Anleitugn zum compilieren Augenzwinkern

Cu Selur

Geschrieben von Selur am 13.01.2004 um 21:56:


bei http://www.oozoon.de/ gibt's jetzt für die die nicht selber compilieren wollen auf fertige .jar Dateien. (man braucht also nur noch das RuntimeEnviroment)

Cu Selur

Ps.: Aktuell ist Project X 0.81.6 (vom 30.12.2003 )

Geschrieben von Videostation am 16.01.2004 um 19:34:


Danke für die Info!

Dabei hatte ich mir doch fest vorgenommen es mal selber zu kompilieren. großes Grinsen

CU Videostation

Geschrieben von Selur am 04.04.2004 um 21:54:


Official Project X reference

Geschrieben von Selur am 25.05.2004 um 08:18:


aktuell ist: Project X Version 0.81.7

Cu Selur

Geschrieben von Selur am 11.11.2004 um 08:04:



Project X

- new package structure
- now available in different languages (3 at the moment)

- the archive contains all necessary files

modified sources: all Augenzwinkern

- change: source handling + GUI options modified, some standard settings are changed
Note: some ini parameters have been replaced and may not work with old settings anymore!

- change: resource data handling modified
Note: optional/required files (e.g. language file, ac3.bin) can be placed into the .jar or (outside) in the working directory

- new: language menu is now available, starting with the system standard language
ATM, there is an english language file (required) and, optional, one for german and danish (spanish planned), support for languages is welcome

- new: creation of a chapter file (txt) incl. all mode changes of audio + video (timecode + comment, esp. for M2S)
- new: option to save the output of a collection to a new folder called "date-time-name" based of the first sourcefile
- fix: PTS continue problem combining file segments > 2GB
- fix: failed renaming of right soundtrack file when split 2channel to 2 singel channel
- fix: exception on enabled d2v option, but missing video export
- fix: ES demux: prevention of buffer overflow on too much loaded GOP sizes (> 6MB not allowed as in PES)
- change: DVB subpicture streams now also accepted in VDR/PES format
- change: adaption (new option) for parsing of special Humax file format, incl. preview
- change: "out of sequence" msg. carries the latest video timecode
- change: pre-scan of mpg/pes etc. now shows also multiple audio + video streams + subtitle streams
- change: pre-scan, 2nd try on unknown file types, filepointer will be positioned at ~10% of file size
- change: post commands are now called as commandline, not arguments (what's actually the same)
- change: reading cutpoint files allows comments following any timeindex/number, at least one whitespace char must separate them
- change: cutpoints now also apply to stream2stream conversions. depending on the source packetization, the cuts are 'clean' (no pixel garbage)
Note: even if cuts are possible now, there is no error/timecode correction as before

- change: 59Hz framerate calculation (only simple adaption)
- change: last selected folder in the systems file dialogue will be saved
- change: multiple file selection in the file dialogue box (not supported by some JREs)
- change: TS parse: better PID content detection (less mis-detection)
- change: now, the sourcecode adaptions for Topfield HD access are included.
if you wonna try the AddOn from chrisg, just load and install the required .dll's only

history of 081.8:

Project X

modified sources: X

- fix: sometimes, TS file segments of dreambox were not combined properly (wrong packet sequence error), even if that option was enabled

wie immer bei:

Cu Selur

Geschrieben von Selur am 01.01.2006 um 08:23:


Project X

collects all patches from 0.90.2

- the archive contains all necessary files

- exception handling if a file was removed in background (after it has been added)
- wrong pts check at changes of vob-id/cell-id (multiple vob segments)
- wrong subpicture demux at some packets
- wrong vbi detection
- wrong id assignment at 'to pva'
- exception at pva overlap check
- ...

- ac3 crc check optimized (less processor consumption, faster)
- internal separation of parser classes
- some gui + cli adaptions
- ...

- option to deactivate preview (decoding)
- option to choose a special ttx page termination (some dvb-t fi ttx) (test ATM)
- autoload window for file selection: optional subfolder expansion
- simple http WebInterface to control pjx main processing from remote access, manualy or autostart (via cli: [-webif]), free port and keyword (required)
- ...

wie immer bei:

Cu Selur

Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH